LEGO museum estate for sale

Batch offers

Because different buyers are interested in different parts of the estate, we have divided the estate into five batches:

The first batch contains everything. If we receive a good offer for this batch, the buyer can clear the entire building. Of course this is the most inclusive deal, a lot of goods that are not visible in the photos are also included.

The second batch contains all the built sets. These sets are beautiful for display and contain sets from the entire LEGO brick era.

The third batch contains the most exclusive LEGO items that have never been available for consumers. For example: life sized glued models, micro shows and displays with lights and movement, vintage shop displays, LEGOLAND items and more.

The fourth batch contains more (lesser exclusive) LEGO items that have never been available for consumers. Of course for a much more interesting price.

The last batch contains all sorts of LEGO items that can be used for decoration.

The really rare and old. Not for sale yet, but we are open for offers for the entire batch.

Buyers must arrange their own transport. The building will be vacated between mid November and the end of the year

*Batches 2 to 5 expire when an agreement is reached for batch 1